Finding an epinephrine auto injector carrier that teens
will be willing to wear could be quite challenging to say the least. As they grow older, fashion becomes more important,and they feel more comfortable managing their food allergies. Unfortunately, many pre-teens and teens will find ways to make their parents believe they have the Epipens with them, but the minute they arrive at school or at a friends house wearing a fanny pack or a pouch that hooks to their waist they will take them off and find a place to hide them. They simply don't want to stand out nor have to deal with the usual questions or comments triggered by most epi carriers.
Photo by TheAllergicKid |
Designed to be worn under clothing but cool looking enough that many kids like to wear it as a clothing accessory. One of the most important features of the WaistPal is that it can be worn as an undergarment belt and has no plastic buckles, buttons, or metal pieces that could brake and puncture a child by accident. Unfortunately, many parents believe in what sellers of running belts, or fanny packs say about their products and forget that kids will be kids and will always play rough, fall, or get pushed while playing with friends.
Why sports teams and physical education uniforms don't use plastic buckles or any kind of hooks? To eliminate the risk of accidents. Remember, a broken buckle while playing sports could be as dangerous as carrying a knife, even if it is made out of plastic.
WaistPal is manufactured by OmaxCare and there is no other product it its category like it.Less than two inches wide with a tight easy access pocket in the front and a second one in the back. Quality and attention to every detail
Don't let your food allergic child, pre-teen, or teen step outside your home unless they have the Epipen's or Auvi-Q's not with them, but ON them. Make it clear and remind them that carrying the epipen is a rule that can't be broken, just like going out of the house naked is unacceptable.
OmaxCare medicine carriers prominently display the universal medical alert symbol in all of their clothing accessories to ensure first response emergency personnel can quickly find your life saving medications. Athletic modern designs that make it easier to comfortably carry and conceal up to two epinephrine auto-injectors such as Epipen, AuviQ, Allerject and insulin pens.
Online stores that sell OmaxCare products: